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Rules of Conduct

Every individual has the right to use the Hoyt Lakes Public Library undisturbed. Every Library employee has the right to work without undue interference. All Library users and employees should be free of any threat of harm, invasion of property, or gross indignity.

To ensure these rights for all persons, the following rules of conduct apply to behavior on the premises of Library property.

No person shall engage in any conduct which disturbs or interferes with patrons or employees of the Library, including, but not restricted to the following:

1. Smoking, or eating or drinking near the computers.
2. Defacing or destroying Library property.
3. Viewing of material that under federal or state law is reasonably believed to be obscene or pornographic.
4. Interfering with free passage.
5. Behaving in a disorderly, loud, or boisterous manner.
6. Drinking alcoholic beverages or using illicit drugs on Library grounds.
7. Being in a state of intoxication in a manner that causes public disturbance.
8. Soliciting funds or panhandling.
9. Remaining in the building after its regular closing hours.
10. Bringing animals into the Library except as required by people with disabilities.
11. Bringing vehicles into the library except as required by people with disabilities.
12. Following, staring, or any other behavior used with the intent to annoy another person; playing audio or video equipment so that others can hear it; singing or talking in a manner which disturbs other people.

Library patrons entering the Library must wear shirts and shoes.

Anyone violating these rules is first warned by a library staff member at the time of the offense. If the conduct continues, the offender is ordered to leave the building. Staff will contact the Hoyt Lakes Police Department if deemed advisable. The staff may expel the offender(s) without a warning at the discretion of staff in situations of serious, threatening, or willfully malicious behavior.

Behavior that violates city, state, or federal law will be reported to the police immediately.

Failure to observe these rules may lead to revocation of library privileges, including the right to enter the building. Repeat offenders or persons ordered from the premises who do not comply may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.

Approved by Library board 2/19/13

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